Classe Export
The French Leader for international business news !
Classe Export is reknowed for its expertise in supporting international development and active listening to companies'needs.
Their ability to understand and analyse international challenges enable Classe Export to decipher current issues, share experience and offer useful news and networks to every company."

Le Journal de l'Automobile

Le Journal des Flottes

Le Journal du Poids Lourd

Supply Chain Village
Supply Chain Village is a fully digitalized media that addresses the Supply Chain professional community through different formats and distribution channels: a daily newsletter, an information website, thematic programs, round tables and web conferences focused on feedback.
Supply Chain Village benefits from a strong and targeted audience. Each year, this media organizes a prestigious event "The Agora Awards of the Supply Chain". It belongs to the Agora Managers group which manages professional clubs including the Agora des Directeurs de la Supply Chain.

VoxLog focuses on the broad Supply Chain industry.
Free of charge, VoxLog offers continuous news about the logistics, transport and supply chain sector, as well as 4 printed issues per year. A unique interactive offer with a fresh look at this sector.

L'Officiel des Transporteurs



Le Journal de la Marine Marchande


FAQ Logistique


TranSpod is a native podcast channel dedicated to transport and low-carbon mobility, created in September 2023. The channel has two programmes a week, in two formats.
- TranSpod L'Hebdo: An offbeat international transport news programme. Every Monday, in 5 minutes, with practical and cultural information at the end of the programme: conferences, book publications, exhibitions linked to transport.
- TranSpod L'interview : An interview every Thursday with an inspirational figure in transport and mobility. 15 to 20 minutes

Radio Supply Chain

Be Invited